miércoles, 19 de agosto de 2009

Download Stable TrailRunner 2.0.4 for Mac OS X

Developer Berbie has released a new stable version of its route-planning software for Mac OS X, TrailRunner. TrailRunner is a route-planning app that can calculate a route for the desired distance. The software is freely available for download and can export directions onto the users' iPod. According to the release notes for TrailRunner 2.0.4, Berbie has made the software more stable, while compatibility issues have been resolved. With TrailRunner, users now get an even more detailed orientation, while keeping the workout going. Berbie has also introduced the ability to display collected workout data within the program (in recent releases of the software), matching the recordings with routes created by users. TrailRunner integrates with nikeplus.com, the online community for the Nike SportBand, and the Apple Nike+ iPod Sport Kit-running devices. In TrailRunner 2.1 Beta 05, Berbie has fixed some migration problems for the diary, as well as a problem renaming a route in the diary. TrailRunner can also display maps and elevation data from web-based mapping services like USGS topo maps, import GPS Recordings from Trails for iPhone, as well as import tracks and workouts from GPS fitness devices like the Garmin ForeRunner or Garmin Edge. Users can even describe favorite tracks and rate them with iTunes stars,...

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